Part 3: Animals, Racing and some Karate? Yosh.
Goofy doesn't even begin to describe Mad Space's gravity. Anyway!Animals, Racing and some Karate? Yosh.
Now before I start the update, it's about time I mention these little guys.

Not shown: Chaos Drives are +24 each to their specific stat. Colors are the same as up there.
The animals haven't changed at all since SA1, but considering that 90% of the enemies you fight are GUN robots, they're a little harder to find. They're usually scattered throughout the level, in pipes or in Badniks during certain levels. Whenever you give an animal to a chao, it'll gain an animal part as well as a trait as shown on the chart, along with the regular stats gain. I suppose it's a better time than never to ask: do you want animal parts on Egg Jr, and if so which one, or just leave him bare. Up to you guys.
And now to our regularly scheduled update
It's been a while since I left Egg Jr. in the Tiny Chao Garden. About a week later with some blue fruit,

I believe he's ready to compete, don't you think? He's already getting more than just the red ball for Dark Chao. You'll notice this more in the videos later in this post.
But before anything, let's stop by the Kindergarten again for one quick thing.

So turns out I was wrong about the number of chao you can have here. The maximum is 4 so let's leave Egg Jr. here for a bit while I go do some A-Ranks.
So with that taken care of, let's head to the meat of this update!

Creepy Omochao aside, that little cave in the main garden is where the Racing and Karate are. If you messed with chao racing in SA1, then things haven't changed much at all. Karate, on the other hand, is completely new. And going to those classes should be helping our chao learn some new moves to beat the crap out of the competition.

The menu options are the same, though they added levels to the mix, meaning you have to beat each course 3 times to complete it.

And looking at this old file, turns out I already had Echo beat a course. Good on him, but this is Egg. Jr's journey, so I have no problem redoing that race.

Racing is still much the same from SA1. Get a chao, make him race and hope to god he doesn't fuck up. The added stamina bar does what you think it would. So instead of waiting for a dumb sparkle, you have full control of this. It goes down gradually, and pressing A makes him go faster, costing a bit of that bar. If the bar hits 0, you're kind of fucked (unless it can come back on its own. Not sure). The more stamina your chao has, the bigger the bar will be, and with our chao at 18, we should have no problem early on.
Still, can Egg. Jr compete with his stats the way they are?

With racing out of the way, let's move to the more amusing one: Karate.

Now I've read somewhere that Chao Karate wasn't added in vanilla SA2. Can someone here correct me on that?

As you can see, your stats now have an added effect with karate. Being stealthy comes in handy in some situations, but I'll say defense and health are the more valuable of the bunch.
There are 3 difficulties to pick from at first, and for demonstration, let's start at Beginner. We'll be coming back for the other 2 since it awards us with an emblem if we win.

Rules are simple, first chao to have the less health when time runs out or have none loses.
Now unlike racing, the chao does everything here. All you can do is just watch and pray it hits when you want it too. Now those hearts at the bottom are sort of their stamina meter. In a way, it's infinite since if it ever reaches the bottom, you can just mash the A button to bring him at full. Though if he were to get hit at any point of his down/charge time, he'll be stuck at wherever the bar was it when got struck. At random moments, he'll get depressed and just sit there and you need to cheer him on, same as bringing up the bar.
When you start hearing those noises in game, that's me bashing that A button.

So enough talk, let's see Egg. Jr beat some chao up and make them cry.

A great day for Egg. Jr and cause Toddy keeps reminding me, let's talk about hats! You can buy certain hats from the Black Market, from paper bags to melons and even a stump. They're usually expensive too, but I got plenty of rings now. So which one would you prefer. List of hats here, only site I know that had them. Next update I should be continuing the races and hoping he'll be a dark chao by then.